209 S Westmoreland Ave, Los Angele, CA 90002, USA



About Me

Welcome to my website! I am Rakibul Hasan, an innovative technology leader with a passion for driving business growth and operational efficiency. My journey in the tech world has been marked by significant accomplishments, strong leadership, and a commitment to excellence. Here’s a little bit about my background and expertise.

### Professional Journey

I started my career as a Customer Support Agent at Natural Hosting BD, where I honed my technical support skills and achieved a 95% customer satisfaction rate. My dedication to solving customer issues efficiently laid the foundation for my future roles in the tech industry.

My next step was as an SEO Expert at SEO Helpline BD. During this time, I conducted thorough keyword research and optimized website content, leading to a remarkable 60% increase in website traffic and a 30% improvement in search engine ranking. My efforts in SEO not only boosted traffic but also enhanced user engagement and conversion rates.

In 2016, I joined Bangladesh IT Solution and Automation System as a Senior Executive (IT). I provided technology leadership and oversaw IT projects, resulting in a 30% reduction in operational costs and a 20% increase in system efficiency. My ability to deliver projects ahead of schedule and under budget, while maintaining high quality, was a key highlight of my tenure.

My most significant role was as the Founder Member and CEO of Freedom IT, where I served from 2015 to 2021. Under my leadership, the company achieved a 28% revenue growth and a 20% increase in brand awareness. I implemented long-term vision and strategies, fostering a positive work culture and driving innovation. My focus on technology oversight and public relations ensured Freedom IT remained competitive and offered cutting-edge solutions.

### Expertise and Skills

– **IT Leadership & Project Management**: Guiding the design, development, and deployment of IT solutions to enhance operational efficiency and reduce costs.
– **SEO & Digital Marketing**: Conducting keyword research, optimizing website content, and acquiring high-quality backlinks to boost search engine rankings and traffic.
– **Website Design & Development**: Designing and developing websites with a focus on usability, speed, and mobile-friendliness.
– **Technical Support & Customer Service**: Providing effective technical support and training, leading to high customer satisfaction and retention.

### Education

I hold an MBA in Information Technology from Westcliff University, Irvine, California, and a BBA in Finance from National University, Dhaka, BD. My academic background, combined with my professional experience, has equipped me with a unique perspective on the intersection of business and technology.

### Research & Publications

I have also contributed to the academic field with publications on various topics such as information technologies, AI-driven cybersecurity, and the implications of IT for social and economic growth. Some of my notable publications include:
– “Information Technologies for the Next Future World: Implications, Impacts and Barriers” (International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts)
– “AI-Driven Cybersecurity: Balancing Advancements and Safeguards” (Journal of Computer Science and Technology Studies)

### Personal Philosophy

My journey has been driven by a passion for technology and a commitment to making a significant impact. I believe in continuous learning, innovation, and the power of technology to transform businesses and lives. Through this blog, I aim to share my insights, experiences, and knowledge to help others navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I look forward to connecting with you and sharing valuable content that can help you achieve your goals in the world of technology and beyond.

Feel free to reach out to me at Rakibul2237@gmail.com or connect with me on [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rakib179/). Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!